
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Candied Orange Peel

I like to use navel oranges for this; they're larger and their peels are thicker, which make them easier to work with. It really can be a pain in the butt to do, but you'll want to get every bit of the white inner rind off the outer orange peel that you can.

I've tried this recipe substituting lemons and tangerines; the lemons were successful, but the tangerines, while tasty, really weren't: their skins are pretty thin and hard to work with because they ripped so easily. But if all you want is small chunks of tangerine peel as opposed to sticks, give it a try!

4 large oranges
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup

Remove peel from oranges in lenghtwise sections (I find it's easier if you cut the oranges into quarters first). Cover peel with water, bring to a boil, and cook slowly until soft. Drain. Remove white inner rind, scraping it off with the edge of a spoon. Cut the peel into thin strips with scissors.
Put 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoons corn syrup and the peel into a saucepan, and cook slowly until the peel is clear (approx. 230 degrees). Drain in a coarse sieve. Cool on a plate, making sure to lay each piece as straight as you can.
Roll in granulated sugar or dip in melted chocolate. Dry on wax paper.

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